Does Statsviewer only work on JBoss AS?

At least JBoss is, so far, the only platform statsviewer has been tested on. But running Statsviewer on other platforms should not be a major problem as long as Statsviewer is able to read the server's JNDI tree.

Note: you can pass JNDI lookup parameters to Statsviewer by configuring a file named in your Classpath.


Why does the SQL Log Tab not work properly?

There are many sources for errors here:

  • Did you configure properly?
  • Is your log4j setup suitable for Statsviewer?
  • Make sure you are not running in a concurrent usage of the application. Support for concurrent usage will be added soon!
Please make sure to read the documentation for proper settings of Statsviewer.


Why is the Execution Min Time of every query always 0? Does it have an impact on the AVG time?

This is no bug of Statsviewer. There is a bug regarding the detection of the executionMinTime of QueryStatistics in Hibernate that has been documented in this JIRA ticket:

However this value has no impact on the average execution time of a query. This computation is correct.
